All Things Must Pass – 20 years of dpreview

NIKON D1 (185mm, f/8, 1/180 sec, ISO200)

In January 2022 I bought a second hand Nikon D1. In March 2002 I’ve joined dpreview. The Nikon D1 is long gone and soon will be dpreview. Continue reading

My Digital Camera History

FUJIFILM X-Pro3 (14mm, f/2.8, 1/45 sec, ISO6400)

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29 – My Camera Story part II

FUJIFILM X-Pro2 (23mm, f/8, 1/10 sec, ISO200)

In 2014 I wrote a blog post called 23. 23 stood for the 23 digital cameras I have owned during the first 14 years of my digital photography. You can find part I of my digital camera journey here. Now four years later it’s 29. I’m aware that this is sick number of cameras but so what? Life is short. Continue reading