NIKON Z 8 (40mm, f/2, 1/250 sec, ISO4500)
This is probably the cheapest lens I bought for a long time but is it good lens? Continue reading
NIKON Z 8 (40mm, f/2, 1/250 sec, ISO4500)
This is probably the cheapest lens I bought for a long time but is it good lens? Continue reading
NIKON Z 8 (50mm, f/1.8, 1/50 sec, ISO360)
Another year over… Continue reading
NIKON Z 8 (28mm, f/2, 1/250 sec, ISO125)
My only lens for Nikon Z so far that is not from Nikon. So how good is it? Continue reading
NIKON Z 8 (26mm, f/8, 1/500 sec, ISO200)
Here are my thoughts on Nikons smallest full frame lens for Nikon Z. Continue reading
NIKON Z 8 (20mm, f/2, 1/1000 sec, ISO64)
I just realised that I wrote about lenses here a lot but never made real reviews. Continue reading