FUJIFILM X-Pro2 (23mm, f/2, 1/2400 sec, ISO200)
I really love to drive cars but there was a time when I was a passenger most of the time. This blog post deals with that time. Continue reading
FUJIFILM X-Pro2 (23mm, f/2, 1/2400 sec, ISO200)
I really love to drive cars but there was a time when I was a passenger most of the time. This blog post deals with that time. Continue reading
FUJIFILM X-T1 (23mm, f/2.5, 1/60 sec, ISO800)
2020 is not a year to travel but it is time to look back. This time it’s Bangkok. Continue reading
Canon PowerShot G7 X (14.886mm, f/2.5, 1/80 sec, ISO200)
I was an SLR and later DSLR shooter and I lugged around a ridiculous amount of gear. Sometimes I still do. But I always had a compact camera. Now I have a new one. Continue reading
Classic Chrome. I’m talking about Fuji’s film emulation mode not about the cars but the cars are classics too. Continue reading
FUJIFILM X-T1 (23mm, f/2.8, 1/60 sec, ISO400)
I can’t believe that this is blogpost number 300. Blogpost 200 I dedicated to the Fuji X100. The camera that changed everything for me. Blogpost 300 I dedicate to the Fuji X system. Continue reading