NIKON Z 8 (120mm, f/4, 1/500 sec, ISO200)
Nikons standard zoom with extra reach.
What it is: Is it a standard zoom with extra reach or a travel zoom with slightly less reach? On a high res camera like the Z8 you could even get away without a tele zoom lens so for me it’s a travel lens. This is one of the most versatile lenses that Nikon currently makes. From wide to true tele. Lens speed is reasonable too and f4@120mm on a full frame sensor means good subject isolation. This lens can do macro (flowers, butterflies) and it is a competent portrait lens. Especially if you have not decided on your favourite focal length for portraits. Is it 85mm or do you prefer 105mm or even 135mm? This lens is perfect to figure out what focal length works best for you.
Mechanical quality and design: The mechanical quality is very nice but it’s not perfect. Initially the zoom was a little stiff and it is still not (and never will be) as smooth as butter as on my Z14-24/2.8S. The zoom extends a lot but there is no wobble. The lens hood works but it doesn’t have the release button of the 14-24. Together with the Z8 it builds a very solid, capable unit that feels very competent, sturdy and a little heavy.
AF performance: Again nothing special to report here. Fast and silent. On a Z8 you could easily track a child or a dog. As mentioned of a full frame sensor subject isolation is very good too. This is a standard zoom that practically offers the same subject isolation than the XF 50-140mm F 2.8 WR on a Fuji camera and it even tracks better. This could be the do it all lens for some.
Optical quality: Primes will be better and also Nikons super zooms 14-24/2.8, 24-70/2.8 and 70-200/2.8. But this is still an excellent standard zoom which is better than the less versatile 24-70/4. Of course it is a tad softer at f4@120mm but that doesn’t mean it is soft at 120mm. It’s still plenty sharp, maybe even too sharp for portraits in case your model grew up in the 70s. A couple of years ago we could only dream of such a performance.
wish list: Now make a Z 20-100mm F 4 S please.
summary: The Swiss Army Knife of lenses. Does everything and does it well.